Friday, December 27, 2019

Tired at work for no reason You could have social jet lag

Tired at work for no reason You could have social jet lagTired at work for no reason You could have social jet lagIf youre tired at work for no reason, it may not be because you stayed up too late, but because your internal clock is hardwired differently.According to a new study published in Scientific Reports, too many of us are experiencing social jet lag, a condition defined as the misalignments between our circadian rhythms and our built environment. Under social jet lag, our hours of peak alertness are in conflict with the social impositions of morning meetings, late-night networking, and other work demands scheduled outside of our control. And when these scheduled demands are out of sync with our internal clock, our careers are what pay the price.Study Social jet lag takes a toll on academic performanceWhen researchers tracked two years of14,894 Northeastern Illinois Universitystudents activity logs, they found that students who were going to classes out of sync with their pref erred clock had lowergrade-point averages.Sorry night owls, we live in a world ruled by morning larks. The researchers found that the majority of students - 60%- experience mora than 30 minutes of social jet lag on average, but that night owls were particularly hurt hard by the biological timing effect. This is more bad news for those of who work best after dark. Night owls not only experience an academic disadvantage, but they have higher health risks too. Recent research found that night owls experience a 10% higher risk of dying than those who prefer mornings.Flexible schedules could fix thisThis study should be a wake-up call for employers and employees to pay more attention to schedules. For employees, this can mean noting what hours you feel wired and which times you feel tired so that you can work to create the optimal schedule for yourself.And for employers, this means giving employees the latitude to create their ideal schedules. Instead of forcing workers to become mornin g larks and night owls, researchers suggest that flexible work schedules are key to getting the peak performance out of every person, no matter their circadian rhythm.Rather than admonish late students to go to bed earlier, in conflict with their biological rhythms, we should work to individualize education so that learning and classes are structured to take advantage of knowing what time of day a given student will be most capable of learning, Benjamin Smarr, one of the studys authors, said.

Sunday, December 22, 2019

4 Practical Tips to Negotiate a Pay Raise for Women

4 Practical Tips to Negotiate a Pay Raise for Women4 Practical Tips to Negotiate a Pay Raise for WomenYouve heard all about the gender pay gap in the US, and can probably recite the statistics in your sleep- particularly the 79 cents on the dollar that women earn compared to their male peers. Were not about to try and solve the national pay gap. But what we can show you is how to narrow your personal pay gap. Heres what you need to know, say, and do to earn more money. What You Need to Know The very first thing you need to know is how much youre worth and how much a man in an equivalent position is worth, says Alison Doyle, Job Searchexpert for The Balance. You can start by going to,, and other salary sites to get a sense of what salaries are like for jobs you are looking at. But know that those numbers- because theyre based on the average salaries of both men and women- are going to be low. You want to aim for the average of men, so take the numbers you find and increase them by a good 25 percent. Human resources and job boards may also be a good source of information, Doyle notes. Ask Is there a salary sortiment for this position? Some of them list it right on the website. If youre negotiating for a raise rather than a new job, you also need to have a good handle on what youve contributed, says Dr. Ben Sorenson, Vice President for Optimum Associates. Rather than try to create a document that charts this looking back, start today and do it going forward. If you receive an email from your boss that pats you on the back for a big win, put it in the folder. The same goes for the sales numbers in which youve played a role- particularly ones that show how your performance this year improved over last. What You Need to Say When an offer hits the table, youre tempted to do a little dance of joy. Do it in your head- but dont let it hit your face. Say thank you, of course (Doyle says being nice rather than contentious is ke y), then ask for time to consider. When youre ready to respond, heres one way to ask for more Im really excited about the offer, but based on my research, it seems low. Also, let the company know theyre not the only game in town I need to give the other companies Im talking to the courtesy of telling them I have an offer. I would do the same for you. If instead,youre asking for a raise, you need adifferent language. Again, it comes back to your performance. (Think not of what your company does for you, one of my early bosses advised me, riffing on JFK, but of what you do for your company.) Lay it on the table, then ask As a result of this performance, would it be possible to get a raise or increase in pay? If the answer is no, follow up immediately with Id like to get your feedback on increasing my pay to this level, based on where I stand in the organization and on my performance, Sorenson advises. What You Shouldnt Say When applying to a new job, its common to be asked your sa lary history, or how much money you want to make. Dont answer these questions, says Katie Donovan, founder of Answering either one of these questions is going to keep you underpaid, she says, adding that if youre filling out an online application, you should leave it blank. (If its a required field put in 0.00, she says. For fruchtwein systems thatll be accepted theyre just looking for a digit.) And if youre asked what you are currently making? If youre among the 60 percent of Americans working in the private sector, its actually confidential, Donovan says. And Massachusetts just made it illegal to ask about salary history in a job interview, a trend that could go nationwide. So in many cases, you can honestly say youre not allowed to reveal it. Or you can find another way to dodge the question Its not about me, its about the job. What is the job budgeted for?Im moving from a city where the cost of living is less expensive.I just got a graduate degree, so I m not sure my past salary is relevant. If all else fails, Doyle says, you can throw out a range, but do it with a codicil about why you expect to be at the high end of that. How to Say It Ive always agreed with Julia Roberts in Erin Brockovitch and Meg Ryan in Youve Got Mail Work is personal. And for that reason, it can be emotional. But when youre negotiating, youve got to leave that emotion at the door. That means the idea of fairness- and the fact that others at the company may earn more- should not enter the discussion. Youre not negotiating for equal pay, says Sorenson. Youre negotiating for elevated pay. With Kelly Hultgren

Tuesday, December 17, 2019

Customize this Outstanding Bookkeeping Clerk Resume

Customize this Outstanding Bookkeeping Clerk ResumeCustomize this Outstanding Bookkeeping Clerk ResumeCreate Resume Objective To get a position as Bookkeeping Clerk and to gain further experience in this field.Experience SummaryResponsibly handled various booking and accounting tasksExtensive Knowledge in the use of QuickBooks for various accounting tasksProfessional ExperienceControl Accounting, July 20XX to PresentOrr Sons, New HampshireHandled reconciliation tasks related to mutual fundsReported charges in daily mutual fund share positionsIntroduced work process that increased work productivity and received appreciation from senior members on the sameBilling SupervisorABC Investments, New HampshireIn-charge of supervising working of the existing billing system for departmental salary disbursementHandled invoice preparation and reconciliation of monthly statementsBookkeeper, July 20XX to August 20XXOcean Shipping Inc, New HampshireHandled accounts payable and accounts receivablePr epared sales invoice and various shipment related invoice.Education20XX 20XX Glenden School of Management Studies, New HampshireCompleted a Comprehensive Secretarial CourseDiploma in AccountancySkillsFast TypingKnowledge in using stimmt and Excel.Know extensive usage of QuickBooks. Able to quickly learn new software packagesReferencesFurnished upon requestCustomize Resume

Thursday, December 12, 2019

Why you dont have to be an extrovert to make it to the top

Why you dont have to be an extrovert to make it to the topWhy you dont have to be an extrovert to make it to the topSusan Cainis a co-founder of Quiet Revolution, a curator of the Next Big Idea Club, and the world-renowned author ofQuiet The Power of Introverts in a World That Cant Stop Talking.Elena L. Botelhohas advised over 200 CEOs and boards, first as a strategy consultant at McKinsey and currently as a senior partner at ghSMART. After her recent book,The CEO Next Door The 4 Behaviors that Transform Ordinary People into World-Class Leaders, was selected as a Spring Next Big Idea Club selection, she and Susan sat down to discussthe surprising truth about what it takes to become a leader.SusanBased on all this research, you found that there were real misperceptions in what we think makes a good leader, and who should be promoted to leadership positions. Can you talk a little bit about what those misperceptions are?ElenaWhat it takes to succeed is something thats constantly in the public spotlight. Many of us have this picture in our minds of this larger-than-life personality, who rides in on a white horse, and with just the force of natural charisma, gets the troops to follow them through hell or high water. I was once in a boardroom, and the board was working through a decision of who to appoint as CEO. We had assessed several candidates for the position, and it was clear that there was one candidate who looked like a really strong choice. He had a tremendous track record, he had experience in the industry - he checked every box.And yet, the board was circling, and circling, and circling. They just werent comfortable, and the lead director finally said, Elena, I get it. Hes been really successful. But hes just such anintrovert. This is a global business - how is this person going to lead the troops? Frankly, after all the work that you, Susan, have done, to think that people at the very top are leise worried about introversion is really striking.In our r esearch, when we looked at the results that leaders deliver, introverted leaders were not any less successful than the extroverts once they got the job. Now, getting the job is easier for a charismatic, easily-connecting individual. But when you look at who actually delivers results, introverts were even slightly overrepresented at the very top of performance. The facts flew in the face of convention.The other piece is that I ask folks, What do you picture when you think of someone who will eventually become a CEO? Many of us think of that kid in high school who was voted Most Likely to Succeed, or that annoying person in a group meeting who takes charge and finds themselves at the whiteboard.Well, weve interviewed thousands of CEOs, and while about 30% of them set a goal for becoming a CEO fairly early in life, 70% had no idea what they wanted to be when they grew up. They showed up to work every day, they practiced the behaviors that we later discovered were really instrumental to success, and only when they got within earshot of the CEO role did this aspiration become relevant for them.I often hear women in particular saying, Gosh, I dont know if Im cut out to be CEO. Well, 70% of the CEOs out there actually didnt know they were cut out to be CEO until they got really, really close to the role.This article first appeared on Heleo.

Saturday, December 7, 2019

The Top Secret Truth on Medical Assistant Resume Samples Uncovered

The Top Secret Truth on Medical Assistant Resume Samples Untitelbilded Writing a resume can be an extremely tough task. Writing an excellent objective requires the comprehension of what the employer wants from the assistant they wish to employ. Be sure to concentrate on skills related specifically to the job that youre applying for. Correctly written resumes will fetch them of the correct jobs. The Unexpected Truth About Medical Assistant Resume Samples Since medical assisting is such a skill-oriented profession, you have to make certain that your resume highlights your abilities and the way they will turn you into a valuable employee. Doctors amtsstubes always require help. There are many different kinds of healthcare assistants. They are in demand, but that doesnt mean it will be easy to land a job. Show that youre eager to learn new things that would benefit your businesss need. There are different mistakes to avoid also. Furthermore, strong problem solving skills a re vital in an ever changing medical atmosphere. There are just a few things more disappointing than not securing the job which you like. Medical Assistant Resume Samples - Overview Table of Contents Click the subsequent image to see the subsequent samples. You can also see Resume Examples. Resume templates ought to be utilised as guides to help you produce a resume that highlights your special mixture of experience, skills and abilities. For templates to be applied by physicians, you might also want to check out Doctor Resume Template. After you have come to be a certified medical assistant, the next step to have the job in the exact same field requires you to understand how to compose a health assistant resume. When you have completed your training to be a medical assistant, its the right time to discover your dream job. Simply take the time to consider which ones which you possess and therefore, should mention. You could also call the office and attempt to learn that m anner. Whats more, you must incorporate the experience you have gained by working on projects that are outside the normal medical assistant duties. As you start searching for jobs as a medical assistant, bear in mind that success is dependent on your capacity to research. Medical assistants are a valuable part of the health care industry as they provide essential support within healthcare facilities. They provide much needed medical care to patients in the outpatient setting, such as clinics and doctors offices. They are vital to efficient and successful patient care. They have different responsibilities that dont require the same training as medical billing and coding does. You would be liable for clinical in addition to administrative tasks in the medical institution. Ophthalmic medical assistants might also be needed to aid ophthalmologists during surgical procedures. The majority of the expert healthcare centers are extremely careful on screening the correct candidates. In the medical and healthcare professions, its very important to keep accurate and thorough patient records. Medical Assistant Resume Samples Options Medical assistant is someone who perform clinical along with administrative tasks to support the health assistant cover letter template. For that a fantastic medical assistant resume template is extremely valuable. Hence, make sure you make necessary changes if youre using the exact same medical assistant resume example. The medical receptionist cover letter examples are by and large written on an extensive basis, and must be customized for improved effectiveness and creating the. What to Expect From Medical Assistant Resume Samples? For more guidance, hints, and ideas study the health assistant resume example. As a way to compose a professional medical assistant resume, you must incorporate all appropriate info about your skills, education and a quick description of your personality. If you believe that this sort of part of information concerning the medical assistant resume examples ought to be shard then be our guest and share it on various social networking channels. No matter your experience, the info will be beneficial for anybody seeking to begin creating a strong application that will land interviews in virtually no time.

Tuesday, December 3, 2019

How to Play Office (Dirty) Secret Santa

How to Play Office (Dirty) Secret Santa How to Play Office (Dirty) Secret SantaPosted December 11, 2018, by JennyChristmas is a wonderful time of year (plentiful booze, treats for eats, and silly parties). But at the same time, the holiday can be a minefield of never-ending costs and social stressors. Many of us would like to buy a gift for our colleagues, but if you buy for everyone you either have to go very cheap and cheerful, spend a fortune, or risk leaving people out. And who wants to leave anyone feeling left out at Christmas? If your office is having a Christmas festivitt before the holidays, then while youre all at it, why not play a game of good ole down and dirty secret Santa? This fun game makes aya everyone has a blast, has a chance to get merry together, no-one gets left out, and no-one has to break the bank to join in. What is this mysterious and slightly dodgy sounding game you might ask? Im going to explain all...Dirty secret Santa is a hilarious game in which all th e players only need to buy one present, and then by the end of the game, everyone has one present to take home. How does it work? Here are the rules1 Everyone participating in the game must buy one gift within a set price range The first rule makes sure everyone will spend their $$ within the same price range. This means whatever the outcome, the general price and value of the present work out around the same. You can set your own price range for your office. In general, the idea is to make sure the range isnt too expensive, so everyone can afford to take part but isnt so low the presents arent desirable.Pro tip When youre choosing a present for the game, make sure you try to choose something desirable or fun or both. The game works best when the presents are wanted by a lot of the players. You could come up with an incentive for players to buy a good present by giving some kind of prize (bottle of wine or box of chocolates) to the part who bought the most popular (stolen) gift.2 Pay attention to how you wrap the presents (have some fun)Everyone should take some time to wrap their presents in a way which will make them look attractive. Or you could have some fun with your wrapping by disguising the true shape of the gift. Consider putting a couple of layers of wrapping paper, adding bulges, or you could even add some weight to give the impression the present is heavier than it really is.Pro tip HAVE FUN and bring your playful self to this stage of the game.3 platzdeckchen a date for the dirty secret Santa eventEveryone needs to gather together to play this game. You could choose to do the game at the office Christmas party, at the end of the last meeting before the holidays, or perhaps on your last day at work before the holidays. You know your schedule and what will work best. Set a date and make sure everyone can comeThe big day has arrived what happens next?4 Put all the gifts together in the centre of the room Gather up everyone gifts and put them on a table in the centre of the room. Ideally, the dropping present off part can be done anonymously but it doesnt have to be anonymous if you prefer not. To keep things anonymous, you could have a Christmas sack for people to put their present in when they arrive. Or you can devise another way to make sure dropping off the presents works out anonymously.5 Count the number of players and make a draw with pieces of paper Put numbers from 1 x on pieces of paper in a hat. For example, if you are a group of 10 people, put 10 pieces of paper in a hat with the numbers 1-10 written on them. Everyone can choose one piece of paper and their number will dictate the order of their turn.6 Start playing and stealing, heres how The first person now gets to choose a present from the pile. After choosing a present they must open the gift they chose. They must now display the opened gift in view of all the other players.Now the next person takes their turn. They have two options. They can choose somet hing from the pile of unopened gifts. Or they can steal the present of the person/ people who already have opened a gift.At this point, if someone has been stolen from, they can then get indirect revenge by stealing a replacement present (they MUSNT take the one they just lost back). OR they can take an unopened present from the pile, making sure they open the shiny new gift.The next person can now take their turn. They can again, choose an unopened present from the pile, or they can steal from one of the presents opened already by one of the other players.The cycle continues until all the presents are opened and EVERYONE has one gift.Pro tip Play in a circle so everyone can see the gifts, and after the draw organise the circle so everyone is seated in the correct order of their turn.6 The freezing rule Sometimes this game can get a bit mad, especially if people start stealing one present much more than any of the others. One way to make sure there isnt a never-ending cycle of one present being passed from hand to hand with none of the others being stolen, you can use a rule where any present which has been stolen x number of times gets frozen, and cant be stolen from there on in. You might set the maximum number at 3 or 4 or 5. This part and the rule is up to you.7 Why not drinky-fy the game? If the team in your office are hintergrund of a bit of tipple to liven up your parties, why not add in a drinking game twist to your dirty secret Santa event. Anytime a player takes a present from the centre pile (unwrapping it) they must drink a shot. Then, every time a present gets stolen from you, you have to drink a shot. When you steal a present from someone else you dont have to drink a shot...Have lots of fun everyone, and do make sure you keep things civil, everyone has a safe way to get home, and dont let things get too mad if you do spice up the game with 7 ResourcesMy first resumeCover letter for my first jobCareer Insider StoriesShelley Lask - Body Positive Health & FitnessInterested in becoming a?Human Resources OfficerGeneral ManagerBusiness ManagerAccountantOffice AdministratorPopular Career Searcheshow to become an office manager in australiaoffice manager job description for resumesample of an advertisement of a new chemistadvertising office manageradvertisements for teachers in news employement CoursesBachelor of Social WorkEnquire Online Enquire OnlineCertificate III in Health AdministrationEnquire Online Enquire OnlineBachelor of Criminal JusticeEnquire Online Enquire OnlineCertificate III in Allied Health AssistanceEnquire Online Enquire OnlineJennyRelated ArticlesBrowse moreNetworkingSocial mediaShould social networking be allowed in the workplace?The boundary between work and personal life has become blurred and with the rise of social networking sites that line has become very blurred indeed.We Think Youre AwesomeWith your support, we now have over 500,000 people reading our newsletter each month, which is jam-packed with career advice, study tips and job trends. These were some of your favourite articles over the last year.EducationWORKFORCE TRENDSAgeing workforce means future teacher shortagesAn ageing workforce in the education sector may mean upcoming skills shortages at schools and TAFE institutions.

Thursday, November 28, 2019

How to Select a Resume Writer

How to Select a Resume WriterHow to Select a Resume WriterQuestions you should ask and qualifications you should seek in a professional resume writer.Competition is fierce. This time around, youre notlage going to cheap out.You have to spend money to make money. So youre going to do it right Youre going to invest in a deluxe coaching package. That way, youll be ready to flatten the competition with your locked-and-loaded, shiny new resume. For that much money, you tell yourself, a resume has to be better than the one your friend is offering to do for free. Right?Not so much. The truth is, job seekers can get burned whether they get a freebie, nonprofessional resume - or yes, even if they max out their credit cards and go for broke.I once had a job seeker in technology sales call with a resume that welches awful, that was written for him as part of a $1,200 coaching package, said Kathy Robinson, a career and business consultant who founded the career coaching firm TurningPoint. He wa s not getting anywhere with his search because his resume communicated no direction and had nothing on it that would actually resonate with a hiring manager.The more time you spend talking to professional resume writers and career coaches, the more often you hear stories like these. It doesnt matter how much money you spend if you dont vet your resume writer, youre asking for trouble. Bear in mind, these days, a lot of unemployed people are hanging out their shingles to set up shop as resume writers.Many out-of-work recruiters are pitching themselves as resume writers these days, and Ive seen some resumes from them that arent up to par, so buyer beware, Robinson said.Out-of-work professionals are also getting certified as professional resume writers, but even that shouldnt be enough of a recommendation to coax cash out of your wallet without first getting some good answers to probing questions about a writers hintergrund and qualifications.Ladders talked to career coaches who help j ob seekers find the right resume writer for their specific circumstances. What we came up with is the following list of questions to ask and qualifications to look for before committing to a resume writer.What to look forSharon DeLay, a certified professional resume writer and career coach, was kind enough to suggest the following list of qualifications people should seek in a resume writerRecommendations If possible, find a writer by asking for referrals from people you know and trust who have used the resume writer with satisfactory results.Certification Look for a writer with training or certification from an independent organization, such as the CPRW certification from the Professional Association of Resume Writers and Career Coaches. The Association of Resume Writers and Career Coaches combines course work and tests to train and evaluate resume writers.What to askDeLay and Robinson suggested that job seekers ask these questions of prospective resume writersWhen were you certifi ed? Robinson said she doesnt trust that a resume-writing certification is enough, unless its from the last three or four years or the person has kept up with changes in resumes and can articulate the current trends in resumes. For example, resume writers who are out of touch might use an objective statement instead of an executive summary and/or a descriptive title at the top of the resume top these changes in resume-writing conventions occurred in just the past few years.Id recommend that a client ask when the person was trained on resume writing, what the most common fields are that they work with, the writers own personal background, and how resumes have changed over the past few years, Robinson said. If the person answers, ?Nothings new, Id keep looking for someone whos more in touch with the marketplace.What do I receive in return for the resume fee?What you want is a consultation and the right to edit a draft version or two, DeLay said.How do I customize the resume?Besides hav ing multiple resume formats as indicated above, Robinson suggested that a good resume writer should show you how to customize the resume as you apply for various positions. This includes, for example, adjusting keywords to reflect a job posting or tweaking your executive summary to reflect that youre the perfect candidate an employer is seeking.Can you provide examples for me to review?A writer who does not have examples is likely inexperienced or not qualified at all, DeLay said. When looking at examples of the writers work, keep an eye on how she brands a candidate. Do you have a good sense of what the candidate offers in terms of skills and expertise? If the writers not constructing a crystal-clear, strong brand for her clients, look elsewhere.Can you provide references?Hearing from those with whom the writer has worked can give you great insight into whether youd be a good match with a given resume writer.How long will it take you after our consultation to produce the resume?The write should be able to provide a deadline to deliver the resume or may set deadlines for each step in the process.Do you have any guarantees?If a writer guarantees you a job, run DeLay advised. Resume writers arent, in most cases, placement specialists. Youre the only one whos responsible for landing a job. With that said, a writer can offer a guarantee on the accuracy and correctness of the final resume. Youre not off the hook when it comes to checking resume drafts before the writer concludes the final versions, however it only means that after the writer has received the clients approval for the accuracy of the facts and the writer has checked grammar and mechanics, the writer may offer a guarantee on the grammar and mechanics of the final document, DeLay said.Whats your domain expertise?Try to find a resume writer with experience in your domain, Robinson suggested. A resume writer whos worked in your industry is ideal but often hard to find, so look for one who has at least wo rked on resumes for other professionals in your line of work.How familiar are you with keywords?Good resume writers should understand how and where to insert keywords in a resume, Robinson said. They should also show a good grasp of how applicant tracking systems (ATS) work and how to create a resume that doesnt glitch electronic resume-handling software. (For more on ATS software, please read making your resume format machine-friendly.)

Saturday, November 23, 2019

This is how to help guarantee youll beat out robots for a job

This is how to help guarantee youll beat out robots for a jobThis is how to help guarantee youll beat out robots for a jobOur goals as workers have changed over the centuries as technology has evolved and us with it. First, people wanted to be Renaissance men, able to adapt to any skill set they needed. Then, we became specialists,answering all the questions people had about ur assigned craft. And in the 21st century, as artificial intelligence floods the market and robotics become more sophisticated, people are entering the next phase of our workplace identity. Now, we are kreuzungs.Or perhaps some of us are not everyone has adapted to the landscape. But according to a report from analytics software company Burning Glass Technologies, we should be. Otherwise, well lose out on major job opportunities and our roles in the workforce may become obsolete.Whereas 42% of all jobs can be automated, according to the report, hybrid work can only be done by people. While that may be an exagger ation (12% of highly hybrid jobs can still be automated), it appears that these roles are expanding and may be the new wave of opportunity in an automated society.So what does it take to be considered a hybrid worker?Well, you have to be able to go digital. We are all being augmented by machines, so your ability to learn new systems, configure and customize these tools, and code them, if necessarily (sic), is critical, writesJosh Bersin, president of Bersin Associates, in the reports forward.You also need to be fluent in data, analytics, business, and management. And you have to think creatively.So really, being a hybrid worker means being able to use both sides of your brain - both creative and analytical. Robots cant do that, but if we work hard, we can. And this news comes at just the right time Demand for such workers is growing. Burning Glass found in 2018 that one in eight job postings in its database was highly hybridized.This trend has the potential to exacerbate a divide in the workforce, with some workers gaining ground in the future economy, and others - those who fail to keep up with changing skill requirements - at risk of being left behind, the report finds.But, it counters, as jobs get reshaped by new skills and new technologies, there are also clear opportunities For employers to upskill existing workers and develop more effective talent pipelines for workers to make themselves more competitive by acquiring new skills ahead of the market and for education institutions to deliver learning to the broader community of workers who will increasingly need to acquire new skills.Some of the jobs that have high or very high hybridity Bioinformaticians, financial quantitative analysts, data scientists, cybersecurity analysts and health information managers.In a world where work is changing, its good to have a pulse on the kinds of careers that are here to stay. And now we know - we have to focus on how to combine analytics and creative thinking if w e want to beat outthe machines.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

How Industry 4.0 Impacts Engineering Design

How Industry 4.0 Impacts Engineering Design How Industry 4.0 Impacts Engineering Design How Industry 4.0 Impacts Engineering DesignIndustry 4.0the combination of digital processes such as the Internet of Things, automation, robotics, and additive manufacturinghas a disruptive impact on mechanical engineering entwurf. Not only do engineers need to redesign processes and operations to accommodate these new advances, Industry 4.0 impacts how they design products for increasingly smart manufacturing facilities.As Industry 4.0 takes hold, forward-thinking engineers will embrace these digital tools and technologies. This allows them to make higher-quality products mora efficiently and react more quickly to shifting consumer demands, building customer loyalty and gaining market share. Millennials, for example, are a rapidly growing population that expects tailored products that match their personal preferences.Brands that offer personalized products typically enjoy a 50 percent higher loyal ty rate. Unfortunately, traditional manufacturing methods are designed for mass production, not customization. Companies that can rapidly adapt production lines to exploit consumer trends are more likely to have implemented Industry 4.0. This is confirmed by a 2016 McKinsey and Company study that showed Industry 4.0 factories are better at designing and manufacturing individualized products than traditional factories.What Drives Industry 4.0The following technologies are typically considered key components of Industry 4.0Internet of Thingsuses sensor technology to connect the entire manufacturing ecosystem with real-time communication and data from interconnected machines and devices, tracking operational performanceBig data and analyticsutilizes the Internet of Things to capture, analyze, and store data on every stage of production, from design through productionEngineering simulationrelies on virtual reality and augmented reality to create realistic, perfectly scaled, three-dimens ional images or holograms that speed up product design, reduce iterations, and shorten time to marketAdditive manufacturing, including 3D and 4D printingthese rapidly-advancing technologies allow engineers to design and manufacture products that often cannot be made using traditional manufacturing methodsAugmented reality could help shape the way engineers work in Industry 4.0.Each of these Industry 4.0 components has big impacts on engineering design.For You Filling the Talent Gap For example, with the Internet of Things, data can be used to optimize manufacturing processes, often through engineering adjustments. Robotics and automation, also key Industry 4.0 technologies, need to be integrated into manufacturing equipment, often in the form of added material-handling features. Data-collection features such as RFID can also be designed into parts and products.There will be more consideration for automation and modularity, both for parts and assemblies, and for the machines making a nd handling them, says mechanical engineer Betsy Megas on Manufacturing capabilities, and the rules around design for manufacture and design for assembly, will continue to evolve. PrototypingQuick, production-ready prototypes are essential for efficient manufacturing and speed to market. Modeling/simulation scenarios early in the design process help determine the best possible design for prototyping. Virtual reality and augmented reality programs are rapidly becoming potent visualization and design tools, especially in medical RD. For example, Stryker, an orthopedic implant manufacturer, is using Microsofts HaloLens holographic technology to design the operating room of the future, along with the necessary tools and instruments. 3D printing and other additive manufacturing (AM) technologies can prototype production-ready parts within a matter of hours, giving engineers a part they can hold and examine and even reiterate in the same day. An increasing number of complex pro ducts can only be made through additive manufacturing. Therefore it is essential for engineers to fully understand the capabilities these machines provide, which also continually evolve.For example, Caterpillar trains its engineers in its own AM Factory, which is stocked with the latest AM equipment. Engineering teams learn how to apply 3D printing to new products, the supply chain, and even operations (for example, making parts and fixtures for their manufacturing equipment). Much of their product research and development is carried out in this facility.Designing for AM is where we will see huge advances in manufacturing technology, says Stacey DelVecchio, additive manufacturing product manager for Caterpillar in Mossville, Ill. Manufacturing companies have spent years training people to design for manufacturability. That means we have parts that are limited by how we traditionally manufacture them. At Caterpillar, we are removing these boundaries from our engineers. Having the cap ability to design what could never be made before, with features we didnt think were feasible, is tremendously exciting.Data-DrivenWhen companies embrace Industry 4.0, they must also embrace big data and analytics. This sometimes requires hiring their own data-management scientists. Big data is essential for optimizing performance at every stage of development, from design through production. Performance data from the end-use environment can also lead to engineering design changes for future versions. Big data is also needed to identify and analyze consumer trends, which can directly impact what engineers make, and how they make them.Smaller companies can buy data studies larger companies can use the Internet of Things to collect their own data and identify trends to deliver better customer experiences. Internet of Things data by itself, however, is not always useful, comments Jesper Grode, director of product strategy with Stibo Systems, a provider of customer management solutions. Only when combined with other data, such as product master data, customer master data, or location master data, will a better understanding of how products are being used ascendthereby paving the way for improvements.Mark Crawford is an independent writer.Read MoreArtificial Intelligence Transforms ManufacturingUltrasound Patch Monitors Critical ComponentsThe Blockchain Gang